Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava from Pexels
You are no stranger to the relentless advertisements about caffeinated beverages in the U.S; you will rarely search for the contradictory effects of caffeine. Moreover, coffee intake has become a symbol of a young lifestyle.
In the U.S. alone, 85% of the population have at least one such beverage daily. In ignorance, you may also have bought into the coffee culture of young adults. Unfortunately, caffeine is addictive, and you will eventually gain tolerance. The earliest symptom of excessive caffeine intake is ringing in the ears due to blood pressure increase. Aside from tinnitus, the following are some other health threats of caffeine:
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
This condition refers to painful, lumpy breasts a woman might experience as part of Premenstrual Symptoms. If you develop the habit of excessive caffeine intake, this condition will become your daily experience.
Aching breasts are no small feat; sometimes, the pain spreads to your arms and armpits. Consequently, the pain might affect your productivity and concentration at work.
Insomnia refers to the sleep inability that occurs due to increased body activity when you need to rest. Caffeine alters your body’s normal functioning; it increases blood pressure and reduces the chances of falling asleep.
Sleep is fundamental for healthy skin, hair, and brain functioning. Sleep deprivation is the number one cause of depression and anxiety and makes you prone to use chemical supplements to induce sleep.
Heart Attacks in Young Adults
For decades, it was unheard of for a person in their 20s to have a heart attack. That narrative has changed, thanks to the excessive caffeine intake in young people.
Traditionally, blood pressure got associated with the constricted blood vessels in older people; caffeine has transferred this symptom to young people. Out of the 63% of youth that take up to six cups of coffee in America, 50% can have a heart attack.
As you may know, the blood pressure increases due to the arteries’ contraction, and if left unattended, it can lead to heart attacks then death.
Reduced Fertility
In women, caffeine has a 27% reduction in the chances of getting pregnant. This fact is why, as a woman who is trying to get pregnant, you will be encouraged to stay away from coffee and alcohol.
As if that were not enough, miscarriages are more common in caffeine consumers than their caffeine-free counterparts. You must consider the above information if you are looking into conception with your partner.
Early Death
Death is always an unwelcome event. However, losing a young person gets more attention; it is very tragic. As such, you will be shocked to know that male caffeine consumers have a mortality rate of 21%; these men take as little as 8 ounces per day.
Moreover, such men are likely to start smoking and have fitness struggles, exponentially increasing their early death chances. Apart from this, heart attacks are imminent in such men.
Final Thoughts
Caffeine is the most underrated drug of the modern world, especially when it is coffee. There are multi-billion dollar Multinational Corporations that serve this slow poison to people. It is high time you took action and replaced your drinks with something less volatile.
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