You never really know how much waste you’re generating in your home until you come across the national statistics. This may lend credence to why some households are adopting zero waste living. Each day, the US disposes of 728,000 tons of waste. In addition to that, the country’s liquid waste management requires USD 25.62 billion to clear up. Even this amount is from the 2019 statistics. With this information in mind, what can you also do to dispose of your household liquid waste properly? Below is a discussion of some tips you may find helpful.
1. Avoid pouring solvents directly into household drains

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If you have a habit of pouring solvents and gasoline down the drain, now is the time to consider an immediate change. Solvents like acetone, ethanol, and even chloroform can be hazardous not only to your plumbing system but to underground water channels that lead to treatment plants several miles away from your home. Another potential damage it can cause is fires and even explosions in the house.
Possibly, the damage may not happen immediately. However, regular disposal of such solvents down the drain can lead to long-term damage. By which time, it would cost a significant amount of money to repair. For instance, manufacturers advise against pouring solvents into septic tanks. When you have this stored underground in the home, you risk damaging them. Therefore, the right thing to do is find the appropriate liquid waste management services to dispose of such harmful substances. And this leads to the next point.
2. Use appropriate storage containers for liquid waste
Do you store liquid waste together with regular household solid waste? Apart from the health repercussions associated with it, you will be compounding the work of waste management services in your neighborhood. There is a good reason explaining the importance of using suitable storage containers for different kinds of waste. For example, there are special liquid waste containers purposely designed to contain fluids.
It would be a good idea if you invested in such safe containers for your household. Ensure they are color-coded to differentiate them from your regular trash can. That way, when waste management services come around, they’d be better informed on how to handle them.
3. Educate your household
While you’re doing everything possible to manage your liquid waste in the home, it would be a great idea to educate your household too. The reason for this is, you could be doing all there is to be done in proper disposal methods; however, your efforts could be wasted. Especially when you’re dealing with kids, help them understand the overall hazards a mistake could cost others and the country as a whole.
4. Avoid pouring food particles down the kitchen sink
Most American homes have a sink disposal trash system installed in their kitchens. This takes care of the number of food particles that find their way into the drains. It is a good idea to make an effort to scrape food scraps into your garbage physically instead of allowing the sink to do it all. That can help you limit how often you need to use and clean it out and increase its lifespan.
Moreover, it will reduce the possibility of clogging your drains. More importantly, doing the physical scraping allows you to limit the amount of food grease that finds its way into the drains. Also, you can clean the plates and bowls with some serviettes or disposable kitchen towels before washing with liquid soap to obtain the best results.
5. Ensure proper grading of your yard to avoid wastewater puddles

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Did you know that it becomes wastewater or liquid waste when rain collects in your yard and cannot drain properly? This may arise due to poor soil quality or improper grading of the yard. The best you can do is contact a professional service to redo your yard, especially with the latter. When you leave it unattended, the wastewater may seep into walls and begin to cause damage. Keep in mind that naturally, water flows from higher ground to a lower space. The professional you hire should be skilled to correct any anomaly in your yard to ensure proper drainage of wastewater into storm drains. You may want to consider a swale channel to add aesthetics to the yard while adequately disposing of sewage.
Indeed, America’s household liquid waste problem can be managed one house at a time, and it all depends on you. hopefully, you’ll leverage these tips for the best results.
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