Monthly Archives:

November 2016

How to Start a Gratitude Journal

how to create a gratitude jorunal

A gratitude journal is a great way to keep yourself in a thankful and positive state of mind. The act of journaling itself has been a blessing to me over this past year, helping me to be a more grounded and intentional. A more thoughtful version of myself. As gratitude journaling has been so helpful in my daily walk this year, I wanted to share with you some tips for starting and keeping a gratitude journal for yourself as well.

Please note, I myself use an iPad to digitally keep a minimalist gratitude journal, but feel free to take pen to paper in the pursuit of your own journaling needs. Here’s how to start a gratitude journal:


Thankfulness is simply an attitude of gratitude in practice. A practice which must be developed and maintained over time. Cultivating gratitude as the norm of your life will make keeping a gratitude journal much easier.


Making it a rule to write down a certain number of things you are thankful for per day will help you to love the life you are in and feel more appreciative for the small things, the little accomplishments you obtain and achieve each and every day. Be sure to avoid repeating the same things daily. This will make writing in the journal more challenging as time goes on, your awareness and thankfulness will grow.

The idea is that you’ll be challenging yourself to find new things to be thankful for. Perhaps more than ever before.


Start with the basics. Write down simple things you are grateful for in your day-to-day activities. Things that sustain your existence such as your house, bed, meals, children, or spouse.

Be sure to explain how each basic element in your life makes you feel and why you’re grateful for it.

An example- I am grateful for my house. My house warms my body and shelters me from the cold. It gives me a sense of relief knowing that there is always a comforting place to come back to each day.


The longer you write, the more you will have to say. While the instances in your life will vary from season to season, you will always have something to write about.

For example, if you love to paint in the spring, you may be grateful for the paint that you have. Or, if you like music you may be grateful for your digital playlists, sheet music, or piano.


Never forget to appreciate yourself. Show gratitude for the life you are living. Write about the wonders of the body you have. Even if you don’t like everything about it. Mind you, it’s best to avoid the trap of being grateful for something that is better than what other people have. Instead, compare whatever you are grateful for with how you would feel if you didn’t have it at all. Gratitude lies in kindness.


Start with the basics. Your ability to see, hear, and walk. Then progress gradually to the extended abilities that are uniquely you. Focus on skills and talents that bring life to your days such as dancing, singing, or writing. Show off those features that make up your character. Think of your character. Are you versed in good cheer? Those are the skills, to begin with.


When it comes to journaling, remember to be mindful of the people in your life that help you be your best self. Your truth tellers. Your pushers. Your cheerleaders. Your confidant. Think about all the people you care about- your parents, significant other, children, and fuzzies too! Write why you are grateful for each person and how they make you feel.

It’s also good to write about the people that you don’t really like. Find ways to appreciate them as well. For we all have something worthwhile in us. Find a reason to think well of them. This can be difficult but it can be very uplifting. Everyone is in your life for a reason.


There will always be situations that make us happy. Dwell on these moments. They will help progress your gratitude with each page your journal. Also denote the negative moments of life, too. These same downer moments can help you savor the good times all the more.

I hope this post inspires you all to start a gratitude journal of your own as well. For the only thing better than a life well lead is a life well spent, and journaled.

Here’s to an attitude of gratitude,


30 Money-Free Weekend Ideas



For the last few months, my husband and I have been making the effort to schedule things to do as a family every other weekend or so that we call money-free weekends, in an effort to live more frugally, and minimally. When we started this experiment we didn’t think there would be very many free, family weekend activities available to me in my small town. To my surprise, there were lots of free activities that have actually been quite fun. So today I wanted to share a few ways we as a family celebrate money-free weekends.

Now before I begin I do need to mention one ground rule. As a family on money-free weekends, we’re not allowed to spend any money. On anything, no matter what. In other words, we can’t make a run to the store to buy food, even if it’s on the dollar menu. We can’t spend money on any sort of entertainment, even if a great deal pops up online, on say Groupon. Even grocery shopping on Saturdays, on a “money-free” weekend, is delayed until Monday or Tuesday. 

This rule also extends to our home. While we can use our utilities, extras are off the table. No renting movies on cable, no in-game purchases, no kindle downloads, no Farmville coins for the kiddos. Nadda. Zip. Zilch. 

With that said, we still manage to have an awesome time each money-free weekend. I hope you will consider the following list in the coming weeks, as part of No-Spend November, and try a few out with your family as well!

Please note that everyone’s interests are different – you probably won’t find everything on this list fun but they are all frugal, and all worth a second look. Anyway, here goes, 30 money-free family weekend ideas for No-Spend November:


Check out your town’s online community calendar: Look at your town’s website (as well as those of cities and towns close by). You’ll often be surprised at how many interesting (and free) activities are going on right now in your area. Fall, in most parts of the country, is full of awesome, free festivals and events, especially for the kiddos. 

Rearrange the furniture in a room: It’s amazing how much you can refresh a room just by moving the furniture into new positions. Pick a room, and try out a turn of 90 degrees on any new piece of furniture, and you may be surprised to see how it’s new configuration lends itself to your space. Why buy hundreds of dollars worth of new decor when all your room may need is a change of direction and a quick shop for accessories from other rooms in your home!

Go GeocachingGeocaching is partly an outdoor adventure, partly a treasure hunt. Just visit Geocaching online, type in your home address, download their app, add your destination coordinates, and your set for adventure. Plus, you’ll likely find a few geocaches stashed in the area. 

Do a neighborhood cleanup: Walk through your neighborhood and shared spaces with a trash bag and a pair of gloves, and pick up the litter. It’s a great eco-friendly thing to do as a family!

Visit your local library: Oh, the library. My home away from home! Not only does the library contain a plethora of books, but most libraries also have extensive CD, DVD, Audiobook, and language learning software collections you can check out too! Many libraries also offer weekend story time for young children, film nights for various groups, book clubs, concerts, author readings or lectures, and many other events that you may be unaware of – all for free. Stop in and check out what they have to offer.

Get involved in community sports: Many towns have community sports fields where both youth and adult sports leagues and activities are regularly going on throughout the weekend. Stop by, watch a game or two, and if something intrigues you, look into joining as a participant, or as a volunteer.

Find a new podcast: Podcasts are wonderful! These free, informative, entertaining audio programs are available to you for free on any topic you can fathom. Give them a shot – it’s easy to do using iTunes, under the podcast section of the of the iTunes Store. 

My favorite podcasts include: The Minimalists (on minimalism), Cultivating the Lovely (on home matters), RadioLab (scientific and philosophical ideas), Fresh Air (interviews of general interest), The Simple Home (on sustainable living), and This Week in Tech (technology news), among many others.

Board games: We have a pile of board games that we often pull out and play on weekends as a family. Classic games like Monopoly and Pictionary can be great fun. You’re just a dig through the recesses of your closet away from memory-making success!

Baking: Bread baking. Anyone can do it. When freshly baked bread comes out of the oven, it’s delicious! Fresh bread also makes for an awesome hostess gift! Check out Stacy from Humorous Homemaking’s latest post, and her numerous videos on breadmaking success, for those looking to up their bread making game!

Teach yourself how to juggle: Juggling is a great way to teach anyone not only great hand and eye coordination, but concentration skills as well. All you really need are three balls and a video showing you how to do it. And you are in luck, because my husband Daniel is a juggler, and posted a Youtube video on learning to juggle as well! 

Learn how to change your car’s oil: If your car’s due for an oil change, just bring home the oil and oil filter you need and teach yourself how to do it on your own. Use your car manual as a guide for the procedure and you might just find it’s both a lot easier than you thought and a useful skill to have as well. And it’s cheaper than taking your car to Jiffy-Lube. Just remember to dispose of the old oil according to local laws. A tip? Most gas and service stations will accept your used motor oil.

Introduce yourself to your neighbors: Be brave. Be kind. Bake something and take it over to your new neighbors and introduce yourself this weekend if you don’t know them very well. And if you meet any interesting people in your neighborhood, invite them over for a cup of coffee and a chat, just to get to know each other better. Your neighborhood will be a safer, kinder, and a more diverse place after you do.

Digitize your media collection: Go through your collection, determine which items you’d actually like to keep, digitize those copies, and then donate or sell the rest. Use this time to cultivate collections of media that spark joy to you, and maybe, make some money for the upcoming holiday season too!

Host a cupboard potluck: Go through your cupboards and find any items that might be hiding in the back of your shelves unused. Invite some friends to do the same, then get together for a potluck dinner prepared from only these ingredients and whatever else you have on hand. This is also a great time to collect food donations for local food pantries in your area as well. 

Make a goal list: Why wait until the new year to start a goal? Just jot down a goal, keep it in a place you will see it daily, and start bettering your life, family, home, or business today. 

Make a will: Now I know what you are thinking, that making a will isn’t fun. But you will not believe how relieved you will be to have one in hand when it’s done. Spend some time thinking about what you want to happen to your personal assets when you have passed on, particularly in terms of the personal mementos that you want others to have, and where you want the value of your estate to go. Do you want it all to stay with family members? Do you want to remember a charity? You need to just sketch out the basics of a will. Later, you’ll need either a lawyer to prepare it for a formalized copy for you or use a site like LegalZoom, but just having those decisions made doesn’t cost a thing and is a big mental relief.

Perform a household maintenance walk-through: Seasonally, go through your home and look for any little maintenance tasks that need to be done. Do filters need to be replaced? Are there any burnt-out light bulbs? Do any windows need sealing or addressing? November is also a great time to finish up any last minute yard detailing before the start of snowy winter weather as well. Here’s a great example from Real Simple. 

Go on a neighborhood scavenger hunt: Going on a themed neighborhood scavenger hunt is a great way to see what sights and sounds can be found in your neck of the woods. My family goes on one scavenger hunt each season, and we love it. Here’s are a few great examples of printable Fall, Thanksgiving, and Holiday scanger hunts as well! 

Organize a self-guided walking tour of your area: Research the interesting historic and cultural sites in your town, then go on a walking tour of them. Pack a lunch in your backpack and have a picnic on the village green or in the park. You can easily turn this into a full day if you live in a compelling area. Your community’s Chamber of Commerce and the National Historic League are great places to start looking for ideas. 

Teach yourself to knit or crochet: Learning to knit or crochet requires two needles or a hook, some yarn, a lot of patience, and an instructional video or two. There are tons of free patterns online, especially on Pinterest, Ravelry, and Red Heart Yarns! Beyond this, think ahead to the holiday season. Try making a scarf for a friend or a small blanket for a friend’s new baby. While it’s not quite free, you’ll learn a useful new skill — and if you stick with it, you’ll make things much more valuable than the initial cost of yarn. Before you know it, you might even be able to sell your knitwear and crochet goods on Etsy.

Hoan your photography skills: Pull your digital camera out and take pictures of anything and everything you find interesting. Take lots of them. Then go home later and see if you’ve taken anything beautiful and compelling. Great images can lay the groundwork for homemade greeting cards, nice desktop wallpapers, screensavers, personalized gifts, or create your own stockpile of photos if you are a blogger. 

Share those digital photographs: And if your weekend photo shoot goes really well, you can pay-it-forward and sign up for a free Flickr account. You’ll be able to upload some of your most interesting pictures to share with others. Be intentional in your selection. Spend the time titling your images. You can also add interesting captions and allow them to be used under a Creative Commons Attribution license so your images can be enjoyed by as many people as possible.

Start a blog: Have you considered starting a blog? You can get a free blog started this weekend using WordPress or Blogger. Join either service and start a blog on a topic that interests you. Not only can it be a ton of fun, it will also help to improve your communication skills, and perhaps earn a bit of income further down the road.

Visit a free museum or zoo: Many cities, colleges, and universities offer free educational attractions, such as museum or zoo passes. Many banks, such as Bank of America, do seasonally as well. Make an effort to enjoy these free attractions. If your community doesn’t have free zoos or museums, call your local Chamber of Commerce and inquire about free to the public exhibits or free days for local attractions to add to your family’s social calendar for the upcoming months ahead.

Take a free college course: Did you know that you attend, and sometimes receive collegiate credit online for free at numerous online learning institutions for free? Great options include CourseraKhan Academy, and the edX, a partnership between Harvard and MIT.

Cook some meals in advance: Spend some time this weekend cooking some meals in advance to store in the freezer. It’s easy to prepare casseroles, soups, pasta meals, breakfast burritos, and many other items all at once, then store them in portion-sized containers in the freezer for quick and easy reheating on a busy weekday. You’ll be glad you have pre-made meals on hand during the holiday’s next month! Here’s a great list from Crystal, of!

Build a basic net-worth calculator: A great way to ensure that you’re consistently making financial progress as a family, or for yourself, is to build your own net worth calculator. Once you have it set up, updating it quarterly is easy, and it can provide a great snapshot of your financial situation as well as show off your progress. Here’s a detailed guide to making one with any basic spreadsheet program. 

Create a YouTube how-to video: We are all experts on something. Share your knowledge! All you need is a smartphone, as you can edit killer videos right on your iPad or iPhone with iMovie. Just create a video to demonstrate how to accomplish something interesting and useful. You’ll be a star before you know it, and helpful too!

Make a time capsule: Find a small box, and then walk around your house gathering items that represent the reality of your present-day life: A newspaper or magazine, photographs, recent receipts, letters or greeting cards, and the like. You could even include a digital flash drive with photos or a video. Then just put it all in the box, tape it up securely, and write a date on the outside saying when you’re allowed to open it. Add the date to your digital calendar online, and that’s it! One day you’ll enjoy reflecting on those items in the future and seeing how the world has changed.

Throw a Throwback Thursday party: Invite friends and family over to look through each other’s pictures, and then have a digital party where everyone scans and uploads their memories. There’s nothing better than getting together with family and friends and looking at pictures from when you were in high school. Besides, this will give your kids a little fodder as well! 

So, that’s it folks, my 30 ideas for money-free weekend activities. I hope you all will be able to glean a few ideas for yourself, and perhaps start a few new free family traditions this weekend as well. And if you have any ideas on free family weekend activities, I’d love to hear about them below.


Here’s to the weekend,



10 Reasons to be Thankful, Grateful, & Blessed



“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Some days are just stellar. Things go as planned. You are able to sashay from task to task, flawlessly. Days when all of your dealings mesh beautifully with your private life. Days that leave you feeling accomplished, fulfilled, and worthy. Days that fill you with a true sense of wonderful.

Then there are the other days.

Days when you do not feel much motivation at all. When your best-laid plans go out the window before the day’s first cup of coffee has yet to even been brewed.

When important tasks unexpectedly go array. When you get that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. When the urge to feel sorry for yourself and honestly just want to go back to bed and to sleep the day away feels like the most natural thing to do. 

We’ve all been there. We all get it. 

Is it usually at this point, when we may be feeling our worst, that a well-meaning soul will tell you to keep your chin up and soldier through your next few days until you reach either personal peace or the weekend, or whichever comes first. 

And yes, maybe the simplest and most effective way to turn such a day, week or even month around into something more positive and certainly more bearable, is to turn your focus away from your perceived personal shortcomings and instead dwell on an attitude of gratitude and a sense of intentional thankfulness. You know the hope for the best, fake-it-until-you-make-it school of thought. 

While this may be the most logical way to turn such a day around this is only a short-term fix.

In order to truly live a life of intention and joy it to believe you are worthy of such happiness. And the most effective way of sustaining this belief is the daily practice of being thankful for the awesome, amazing, wonderful things already in your life.

Because even if things look tough it’s those moments of humbling clarity that will enable you to persevere on. You see, the spark of thankfulness lights every step along your path. It gives long term structure to momentary setbacks and gives you sustaining hope to those otherwise abysmal circumstances of everyday minutia. Every day of your life. 




It is for that same reason, my inner need to keep my spark of thankfulness alive, that I maintain a list of what I am most thankful for in my journal, purse, bulletin board, on my desk at home, and sometimes even on my person when I choose to wear uplifting clothing as well. This way I know I am always surrounding myself with an attitude of gratitude. 

So today, I’d like to share a small list of 10 simple, fundamental things, that I feel grateful and thankful for in my life for. I usually only reflect on one or two of these things when in need, but I thought a list like this one could be helpful both for you and for me in our current season of thanks.

While every item on this list may not be applicable in your life, feel free to glean what will work for your own life and situation, and then create your own list as well. So, here goes. 


1) A roof over my head.

I live in the United Stated, a country where the winters are cold and snowy and the fall and often spring can be quite rainy. Where the summers are humid and blustery. All seasons that require adequate housing, shelter, and shade.

For me, few things are more comforting than the sense of having a warm home and a roof over my head each and every day.

I know that having a roof over my own head is a true blessing, because according to the United Nations – an estimated 100 million people are homeless worldwide, and as many as 1.6 billion people lack adequate housing internationally, including an estimated 564,708 people that are homeless on any given night in the United States, over half of which are children.

I also know I have built a life with a man who pledged before his God to provide for myself and the family we would create together, who has made sure I have never gone a day in our marriage without a roof over my head.

I am also a woman who can earn a living providing a roof over her head, and that of my family. For I am one of only ten percent of women worldwide who hold multiple degrees, including a professional degree.

I also thankful to have been afforded the opportunity to turn this blog into a means of helping to support my family, and myself because all of my life, my memories, and my business is contained under my home’s roof. The very roof I sit under while writing this piece. And for this, I am one of the lucky ones.


2) Drinkable water.

I love water. So does my body and I drink plenty of it every day. It is certainly something I take for granted as well. I know that clean, potable drinking water is not a given for many people in this world. According to– an estimated 780 million people lack access to safe drinking water. I am blessed to live in a country, and a community, that while sometimes is fallible in its safe water practices, most Americans can drink regulated, safe, filtered water right from their home tap.


3) I won’t go hungry.

When it comes to food, I have so much to be utterly thankful for. Not only do the vast majority of my childhood memories involve some measure of food but that of my overall cultural identity as well. Add to this that as the maven of my own home, I am constantly surrounded by a stockpile of healthy, nutritious, fortifying food options. So much so that I can seasonally donate food to others in need.

In fact, I am so blessed by food that in a few short weeks I will be one of the many Americans that will celebrate a holiday based on the idea of being thankful to break bread with those near and dear. A holiday historically rooted in the celebration of empathy, diversity, and the shared story of the overcoming of community adversity.

I also know that according to the World Food Bank– an estimated 795 million people in the world will not have enough food to eat at this very moment in time. That’s about 1:9 people on earth. The vast majority of the world’s hungry people live in developing countries, where 12.9 percent of the world’s population is currently undernourished.

I am blessed to not one of those statistics, and it is my obligation to be both mindful of their situation, and my own. And to give back. For this knowledge and opportunity, I am thankful.


4) I can enjoy the small pleasures of life.

A sunrise. A relaxing walk by our town’s lakes. A crisp Autumn day when the trees are filled with leaves of vibrant, spectacular color. Many a day has turned around just by having felt the sun’s warming radiance upon my face after days filled with dreary, gray clouds.

I am able to cherish the splendors of this world. Without charge or provocation. Freely. For this, I am blessed.


5) Access to the internet.

As a child, when I wanted to learn about something, I needed to ask permission to walk to my public library or be at the mercy for whatever information could be ascertained from my family at home.

Boy times have changed! Things are so different now in my short thirty-three years on this planet and despite the internet being an iatrical part of my everyday life it’s still an amazing thing to behold.

With the internet, I can learn about pretty much anything online. I gain new skills. Create new habits to make my life happier. I can take coursework. I can make a living. I can connect with friends and family the world over. And there is the opportunity to connect with people I would otherwise never have been able to meet.

I also live in a country where my internet consumption is not limited, my knowledge is not censored, and my opportunities are limitless. And just for being an American, I am afforded free access to internet services at every public library in this country. That’s a lot to be thankful for.


6) My family, of origin and choice.

I have a small, close, tight-knit family, and family of choice. A family that loves, supports, and cares for me. A family of truth-tellers and proactive provokers. People that breathe life into my days. People that humble me. People I am utterly thankful for. Each and every day.


7) My health.

Despite my best efforts, I do not have the indestructible body of Superman. Sometimes I get sick. Sometimes I feel rundown. Sometimes I feel off my game. But the majority of the time I have lead a healthy life.

Even now as I am working off excess weight due to laziness and a sedentary nature, my body has never failed me. And I know that if I treat my body well and get plenty of sleep, work out and eat healthy then my body rewards me with vitality and energy.

My body gives me so much to be thankful for that I often take for granted that my body, my temple, helps me to do everything – see, listen, walk, write, hug, kiss, think, and experience my little corner of the universe – every day. For that, I’m blessed.


8) The kindness of strangers.

Every day I receive supportive emails and messages from people all around the world that I have never met, but who chose to read my blog, follow my social media accounts, and subscribe to my newsletter. Their expressions of well-wishing make me more grateful than ever in my life.


9) Setbacks.

In my life, I have been ill, despaired, and utterly despondent only a handful of times. More still, these experiences haves made me stronger, mentally and emotionally, and have given me the gifts of discernment and appreciation. I’ve led a very semi-charmed life. For that, I am blessed beyond measure.


10) I am alive.

I have, like everyone else, been in situations where an accident or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, would have left me seconds away from no longer being in this world. Had I had been born in another time or in another place, my existence would be greatly different. But here I am. I have this moment and day and hopefully many days still to come.

This is an amazing thing. And this, my life, my days, my moments, are my greatest blessing of all.


So, that’s my list. Those are the things I am truly most grateful and thankful for. My daily blessings. My reasons for shining even on the worst of days. I hope this list has been a blessing to you as well.




And while we are all currently caught up in the spirit of promise and change, be sure to check out the shirt I am wearing above, one of my most favorite shirts, Cents of Style’s Thankful. Grateful. Blessed. Graphic T-Shirt!




Currently, Cents of Style is celebrating this Fashion Friday Story weekend by offering you the new Thankful. Grateful. Blessed. Graphic T-Shirt FREE with any $25 or more purchase and FREE SHIPPING when you use promotional code THANKFUL1 at checkout.

This is an awesome time to go through your holiday list and pick out several items for family and friends as any purchase on the site that totals $25 qualifies for the free t-shirt. Or if you are looking for an awesome, stylish tee to wear Thanksgiving Day, that’s great too!

So, everyone, I hope this list leaves you with a few ideas on you can go about your day in a more thankful, grateful, and dare I say stylish manner! And if I could ask you all one thing, be sure to drop me a line below and let know what you feel grateful for too?

Here’s to today,




Please note, I received a complimentary tee from Cents of Style. I am also a Cents of Style affiliate. I was not compensated for my opinions or my post. All sales through my link help my site and my family, and I’d be grateful you using them. Thank you.





Date Night In Couples Photo Shoot



As a couple, my husband and I love taking photos. Our photos of our first holiday together in New Orleans. Our wedding photos. The pictures of our babies.  We love the pictures we have of our family. Pictures are part of our love language to one another. Photography gives us an expressive, personal, frugal way of documenting those big moments in our lives. The moments that bring life to our days, and sometimes, simply take our breath away.

But here’s the thing, photography should be more than a chronicling the big stages of our family’s journey together. Life is made of lots of tiny moments, of laughs and kisses, of that lasting, tender, forever love and the daily deepening of romance that comes with living with your best friend.  As a couple, you grow and change. You learn to love the profoundness to your relationship. The partnership that easily gets overshadowed by life as a family.

One way my husband and I keep the embers of romance glowing is by creating silly, seasonal couples date-night-in photo shoots. A Thursdate, if you will. This is not the traditional itchy, tacky, crazy Christmas-sweaters kind of shoot. This is a time for just he and I. For you and yours. And our latest shoot? Thanksgiving theme shoot!




To prepare for the shoot I simply headed over to Pinterest to download one of the many free Thanksgiving-themed photo props kit available for download.




To assemble the props, I cut out all the shapes and secured the cut outs to seasonally colored paper straws, which acted as handles for the props.




I then spruced up out front porch for later that evening. And we were all set! 




The shoot took only minutes and we had a ball! We finished the evening by having a great meal and having a Netflix night in. We plan to use the photos as part of digital cards to send friends and family out of state, and abroad, later this month as well. 




The best part? We plan to use the photos as part of digital cards to send friends and family out of state, and abroad, later this month as well. Making this Thursdate both frugal and practical.


Now if you would like to throw your own Thursdate photo shoot, here are few tips:


1) Reflect and Relax: Before your shoot, take some time to relax and prepare your mind for time together as a couple. This will be a time for you both to connect with one another and to take pictures of who you really are together. Just you together. No kids, no elaborate parties, no stressful preparations. 

2) Block your time: You will want your photo shoot to be as stress-free as possible, so carve out a simple 30-minute session to film. While you may be in the midst of crazy holiday preparation and season, remember you are carving this period of time for quiet, reflective romance. And who doesn’t want a small, extraordinary romantic escape in the middle of ordinary life? I know we do. 

3) Seek Simplicity: This couples shot is not about the artistic, thoughtful photography of your wedding day. This is about being silly and sappy. Pick and theme and keep it simple.

4) Set the Mood: During your shoot, don’t forget to set the mood and tone of your shoot with music that goes well with your proposed theme. 

5) Have fun: Remeber to have fun first. If the shoot feels stressful it’s not going to produce great results. 

6) Dress the Part: I suggest you take the time to dress up for your pictures. If you are going out on a date, then you are likely already going to be dressed up, but if you’re not going out, then get dressed up anyways. You will be much happier with the final pics if you have taken the time to look nice. If you are going for a casual, themed shoot as we did, they aim for neutral, seasonal pieces to wear.

7) Lighting: Natural light is best. Try to schedule your shoot during the times of day most conducive to utilizing the natural light in your area, and if you can’t go outside, open all of your blinds to let in as much light as possible. That being said, you’ll want to do you photos during the day. 

8) Poses: This can be by far the hardest part of any photo shoot- knowing how to pose. I always feel like a klutz when it comes to posing for pictures. To remedy this, Daniel put on some music for me to dance around to, which lightened the mood and made the shoot progress nicely. Also, remember to also take turns taking shots of one another as well as a few seasonal selfies. These make for great keepsakes as well. 

9) Props: Like with our shoot, it can be nice to have some props in your picture. If you need frugal ideas, Pinterest is likely your best bet. 

10) Backgrounds: Backgrounds are key to a photo shoot. Even low-key affairs. Be sure to look around your house, outside, or neighborhood for great backgrounds. If you live in a major city, tall brick buildings make for wonderful photo backdrops. Country lanes and trees do as well! 

So that’s it folks, my ideas for hosting your own Thursdate photo shoot! Hopefully, you will have as much fun with this free date night idea as we did this week. I encourage you all to try and create your own date night photo shoot as well. If you do snap a few awesome shots, I’d love for you to tag me online with the hashtag #nospendnovember16 so I can see them too! And if you have any tips for date night photo shoots, I’d love for you to let me know below!


Here’s to date-nights-in,


How to Save Money Buying Prescription Glasses Online



There are so many positive traits I have been able to pass along to my children. A love of reading. A flair for French cooking. An ability to think calmly under pressure. Unfortunately, a keen sense of eyesight is not amongst them. From the moment a second-grade parent-teacher conference culminated with the suggestion that I was squinting to see the blackboard in class, I was destined to be a glasses-clad gal for life. 

My earliest experience with smart looking frames was dismal. For decades, glasses for children were classified under two camps: librarian or reporter in training. So under the direction of my grandmother, I was given a stunning pair of red, thick, plastic frames, set off by a dazzling pair of coke bottle lenses. I was the envy of every Sally Jessie Raphael wannabe of the elementary school sect. 

Fortunately, times have changed. Nowadays prescription glasses come in a myriad of hip, trendy, options for those of all ages. The only issue? The price hefty tag. Add to this the fact that going to an optometrist’s office, especially with a family or children in tow, can be well, inconvenient.

I mean, you have to schedule an appointment, take time off of work, drive across town, fill out forms, wait endlessly, and culminate your experience by having a brief rendezvous with the tonometer, or as I like to call it, my scientifically proven inability to keep my eyes open while small gusts of high-powered winds are blown over my eyeballs. And it is at this point, with your hard earned eye prescription in-hand, are you are finally able to purchase your next pair of overpriced glasses. 

Thankfully there are other options for purchasing your next pair of prescription glasses. Providing you have a valid eye prescription, you can opt to simply order glasses online, delivered right to your door and, best of all, for under half the cost of retail from the GlassesShop online.






Launched in 2004, GlassesShop is an online optical store that provides fashionable eyewear at affordable pricing. Not only does this site offer prescription eyeglasses, glasses, and prescription sunglasses for the entire family, but GlassesShop offers their commitment to offering customers 100% prescription accuracy, a free scratch proof multi-hard coating, and unbeatable savings to the public.





affordable glasses online


As I began to browse their selection, I immediately noticed that GlassesShop site makes it easy for customers to navigate and narrow down their collections within minutes. Whether shopping for plastic or metal, men’s, women’s or kid’s frames, what you need is only a click away.




In full disclosure, I knew I would be keeping my eye out for a full rim, plastic, tortoiseshell frames that would add a little style and pop of color to my current fall capsule wardrobe, and I was jazzed to quickly find the Winchester, a frame that was stylish, simple, and perfect for fall! 






1) Ordering glasses on the site is super simple. First, you can determine your frame dimensions by comparing your frame of choice to your current frames digitally. The mainframe of the site allows you to select your new frames, and then select the compare button, which will give you the option to view your new frames and fit on your face through a virtual try-on of your glasses.

2) For a more customized view, GlassesShop will also allow you to upload a photo of yourself, add your new frames to the image, and see how your newly selected frames will look on you. 

3) Once you’ve decided on your frame, you’ll be asked to supply your prescription information, place your order, and then just sit back until your new frames arrive!





Not having seen my new frames in person, I had reservations as to the quality of the glasses I would receive. However, my frames arrived within one business week, and I found my frames to be identical to those that I have purchased previously in retail. 




I also appreciated the thicker frames, longer lenses, and sturdy arms and hinges of my frames. Not only were my glasses trendy the frame sizing also helped to cover up the thickness of my lenses beautifully. This was a huge bonus in my book. 




These glasses have definitely become my favorite new fall capsule wardrobe accessory!






What can be better than this? The Winchester, currently priced at only $29.99, including the single vision lenses, anti-scratch coating, protective case, microfiber cleaning cloth, coupon offer for 30% off my next order, and shipping, is an excellent value considering that even with vision insurance, my last set of glasses cost well over $120.00!





If you are still on the fence about the GlassesShop, consider this: this site offers their customers a chance to get their first pair of glasses completely free. And what savvy saver doesn’t love free? And this certainly ties in very well with this month’s so-Spend November theme!

Also, should you need additional sets of frames, glasses, or prescription sunglasses, GlassShop also currently has a special coupon code GSHOT50, which can save you 50% off on eyeglasses and sunglasses with free lenses (sale frames excluded). 






If you’re looking for a complete pair of accurately prepared and crafted lenses and frames at low prices, with the convenience of shopping in your slippers, with stellar customer service that will go the extra mile to ensure you are completely satisfied with each and every order, then you owe it to yourself, and your wallet, to mosey on to the GlassesShop today.

So tell me, everyone, what style of glasses are you most interested in checking out from GlassesShop today for your own fall capsules and wardrobes? I’d love to hear about them below! 

Here’s to saving,



Please note, I received my glasses, frames, and case as a review sample from in order to facilitate this review.  I was not compensated for this review and was based on my opinion of this site and their products.




Follow Us This No Spend November



Just in case you haven’t darkened the doors of the mall, patronized a retail store, turned on the radio, or browsed your inbox as of late, let me gently bring you up to speed- it’s nearly that time of year when everyone on Earth wants your hard earned money!

Even as a blogger, who admittedly make a partial living off of affiliate deals and sponsored posts, I still feel the stress of simply uttering the phrase, holiday. I mean just in case, others may not know, posting deals for others online can be stressful too!

My personal remedy? This month I’m giving myself the permission and grace to take a financial break by way of a  No-Spend November. 

While many folks are already planning their entry and exit plan strategies for Black Friday shopping chaos, I have decided to take a break from the traditional madness that November entails and take an intentional spending break.

And I feel I may not be alone. For most, the holiday season can be a killer for most people’s budgets. However, November is also the month that many people celebrate a holiday centered around appreciating what you already have. That makes November perfect for a spending freeze.

Why a holiday? Holiday season’s in years past have been a killer for most people’s budgets, mine included. Even years where I have been very careful with our family holiday budget things have always seemed to go awry. And where does the madness generally begin, you may ask? You guessed it, November.  

In my opinion, from overspending on Black Friday, to having to purchase the biggest gobbler of them all, far too much money is spent in November. November spending starts the spiraling of conspicuous consumption that leads many people to tons and tons of crazy, unnecessary credit card bills come the new year.

Luckily, there is a saving grace to this narrative. While November can be one of the most expensive months of the year, it is also the month that many people celebrate a holiday centered around appreciating what you already have. A time for gratitude. A period of rest and reflection. A season where minimal living is frankly, en vogue. Which is what makes November perfect for a spending freeze.

This No-Spend November, like with any personal budget challenge, is super simple in that you can design the rules for yourself, deciding what you want to accomplish during your personal spending hiatus. Want to wait until December to start shopping for gifts? That’s great. Maybe you want to simply ban all impulse Amazon purchases for the next few weeks in preparation for Cyber Monday. That’s totally doable too! Generally, any spending freeze will give you time to take to pen and paper and drastically narrow down which sales and “deals” will be truly worth your time, energy, and income. 

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with spending money during this time of the year. I am in no way trying to guilt others into shying away from purchasing awesome things for their friends and family. I am however suggesting that if you want to proactively protect your holiday budget at a time when it’s most vulnerable, scheduling a period of downtime while you create holiday spending ground rules for what you’ll actually be spending is key. 

Each day in November I will be posting ways to fine tune your holiday budgets, create affordable DIY projects, simple, natural spa products you can make at home, free date night ideas, ways to have a more minimal holiday at this season, and ways to better cultivate an attitude of gratitude at home. I’ll also be posting to my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds with additional tips, recipes, and resources as well, and if you are following along, I’d love for you to use the hashtag #nospendnovember16 so I see your posts and help encourage you on this month as well! 

So whether you are seeing this post on November 1st or later in the month, please note you can create a spending freeze at any time. It’s Never Too Late to Participate in “No Spend November.”

There’s always time to save a few extra dollars!

Here’s to November,
