Monthly Archives:

November 2016

Gifts for the Minimalist Home Gift Guide


Minimalists can be hard to shop for, as can non-consumers, and zero-wasters as well. Sometimes just having to shop for those picky members of your family when you yourself are a minimalist can be an ordeal as well. It is with those folks in mind that I have geared this holiday gift giving guide towards. This gift guide includes hand-picked minimalist items. There are also selections of holistic, all-natural, and zero-waste gifts as well. Options sure to please the palate and the planet.

The Gifts for the Minimalist Home Gift Guide has been divided into six parts; gifts for the home, gifts for the traveler, the kiddos, the fuzzies, the foodies, and of course, a little something for yourself. 

Please note, you will be able to click on each item for the price and product information for each gift listed. All products will be available on, for which I am both an affiliate and shopper. is my go-to online holiday shopping hub.

As well, all products featured in this guide have either been reviewed on my blog, purchased by myself, have ties to a specific foundation or charity I endorse or personally patronize, or were received gifts purchased on I wholeheartedly endorse each and every product in this guide. 

I encourage you all to check out this guide. To see what awesome finds you may be able to pick-up this holiday season, including a little something for yourself, too! Happy shopping!






Welcome to this week’s Happiness is Homemade Linky Party

Welcome to Happiness is Homemade Link Party!

Joins us bloggers and link up your latest and greatest! Readers, check out all of the amazing ideas and inspirational posts some of the best bloggers out there have to share with you!





We at Happiness Is Homemade link party hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your families!

How did the turkey turn out?

Did your tablescape come together as you had envisioned it?

Regardless of how tender your turkey or savory your side dishes, remember that Thanksgiving is really about 




Cornish Hens Stuffed with Couscous, Dates and Parsley from Analida’s Ethnic Spoon – an absolute TREAT for the adults in my household, so tender and delicious!
Burlap Christmas Trees from The Real Thing with the Coake Family – my mom Nana Patti loves Christmas trees and we enjoy making a new one for her every year, this would be perfect for the boys to help make!



How to Stencil a Floor from The Painted Hive – what a fun way to dress up a dull floor!

Oma’s Frozen Raspberry Salad from O Blog Off – this looks so refreshing, and there’s nothing wrong with a cool dessert during the winter months!


AND a bonus feature for this week because I absolutely COULDN’T resist…..
Butterbeer Latte Recipe from Quirky Inspired – because this just looked too good to pass up!


Image Map Peek Into Paradise Labour Life Upstate Ramblings While Napping Eclectic Red Barn Ducks Row Lady Prefers Save Painted Hinge That Recipe Love My Messy Mess Mommy Demand Blogghetti

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The rules are really simple! Make sure you visit a few other blogs and make some new friends along the way. Feel free to link up your favorite recipes, crafts or your latest DIY project. We want you you share it all! As always, please make sure to follow your hosts and co-hosts!! Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured at Happiness Is Homemade Link Party! We will feature the favorite posts each week! Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to all 12 Hosts, along with any co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Happiness Is Homemade, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to your original source. Therefore, linking up you agree to allow us to use your images on each of our blogs in features relating to Happiness is Homemade Link Party.



4-Gift Christmas Challenge



Christmases in my house are very different from the Christmases I had as a child. My grandmother, though sagacious and gimcrack in the gifts she would buy for those in her household but would shower others, everyone from close family to coworkers, with extravagant gifts that cost way too much money.

My grandmother wanted to be thought well of in the world and thought that conspicuous consumerism would be the way to go about doing so. As an adult, I didn’t know any other way, so as a newlywed, I did the same thing. Dozens of gifts and hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars spent to provide gifts for in-laws, coworkers, and relatives alike.

It wasn’t until the year after I was married that when saddled with the task of paying off the debt from both my own student loans and the five-figure costs of my grandmother’s mounting medical debt, that I realized how crazy my holiday shopping had been. That first year of marriage I made sure everyone in my household was ear-deep in gifts, and the worst part? The following year, when I asked everyone what their favorite gift had been the previous Christmas, not one person could remember any of the gifts they received!

In 2006, we put a stop to the crazy holiday spending. My husband and I decided that everyone would now receive only four items each. Only four, no more, no less. Oh, and of course, a holiday stocking, which would be filled with only use-em-up items, small stocking stuffers that intentionally would be consumed or utilized before the New Year!

While I fully expected a coup d’etat to take place, I’m relieved to report that not even one complaint was uttered by anyone then or since. I’ve also found that in the years since my gift-giving revelation, that when my family receives fewer gifts then they are more grateful for the gifts they do receive, they remember each gift, and we get to spend more time together as a family in the process.

A bonus? In addition to the copious amounts of unneeded gifts we have also eliminated the hoards of wasteful, unrecyclable wrapping paper from our holiday season as well! Each family member uses the same reusable store bag annually, gifts are wrapped in zero-waste kraft paper, decorated and personalized, and on Christmas morning, everything is folded and put into the recycling bin. I love to no longer have to have the lawn and leaf trash bags ready to collect wrapping paper Christmas morning! 

So this year I’m daring you to join me in the 4 Gift Christmas Challenge and to only give each member of your immediate family the following:




I think you will be surprised at how well your spouses and children will respond to this new kind of gift giving! The beauty of the 4-gift rule is that you can modify it to fit your family’s needs. As gifts can get expensive, especially with older children, buying fewer gifts is not only better for the budget but will ensure that your holiday gifts are more planned, personalized, and purposed.

These 4-gifts will really cover all your gift-giving bases, as they limit you from going over the top with spending. The best part is that this rule still allows for some nice splurging on your family, the only exception being that your indulgences are concentrated on just one or two items as opposed to say, ten. Also, remember can customize the four gift rule to your budgetary needs and particular situation. 

So, what do you think? Would the 4-gift rule work for your family? Would your children revolt if you instituted the four gift rule this Christmas? Do you have a method you follow to stay within budget on your holiday spending? I’d love to hear about it below!

Gilmore Girls Date Night at Home



While many across the country today will be heading out into the cold, dreary November weather to shop this year’s Black Friday sales event, I myself have different plans in mind. As a millennial, my Thursday evenings were all together sacrosanct watching two of my favorite television heroines, Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, and the crew of America’s funkiest little town, Stars Hollow, Connecticut.  

I loved everything about that show and I was a fan-girl in every way. From it’s face-paced monologs to it’s to never-ending run-on sentences, the Gilmore Girls was the first show that was etched into my heart and mind, and since its end in 2007, there has been no show to take its place. That was until this year when I found out that I would soon again be revisiting Stars Hollow as the “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life,” would be airing on Netflix on November 25th of this year!  Each of the four 90-minute episodes will reflect each season, Winter, Spring, Fall, and Summer, for a year, based on the Gilmore Girls.




So while you may find yourself scoring amazing deals in-store, I will be in my den preparing for this new four 90-minute episodes Netflix commissioned of pure Gilmore Girls bliss by throwing a Gilmore Girls binge party at home.




We will also be playing along with the Gilmore Girls cider drinking game (see graphic above), and eating Lorelai’s favorite dessert, pumpkin pie, my case, leftover Patti Labelle Sweet Potato pie!

Also, if you are a super fangirl like myself, who has always wanted a musical Gilmore Girls episode (omg, the dream), we’ll be treated to a part of one musical number during the episode, “Summer”. Another awesome fact? All the main cast members from the original series are back for the Netflix show, although their roles are in a limited capacity, except for the main players, Lorelai (Lauren Graham), Rory (Alexis Bledel), Luke (Scott Patterson), and Emily (Kelly Bishop).

All of that said brings me to my main point. Netflix recently launched both a video and a series of ‘invitations’ for their ‘Date Night with Mom’ campaign, stating that while the mother-daughter relationship is complicated, falling back in love wth your favourite show is pretty simple. Date night with your mom, or in my case, my best friend, my husband, will make watching the Gilmore Girls that much more enjoyable.

So that’s what I will be doing this evening. Enjoying leftovers and watching a mega marathon of the Gilmore Girls with my husband and family. So now I have to ask, are you also a fan of the Gilmore Girls? Will you be watching today as well? I’d love to hear about it below! 


(photos courtesy of Netflix)


6 Reasons I Am Thankful For Blogging



This past year, blogging has been a real blessing in my life. There are so many reasons I’m thankful for blogging, and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d like to share some of them with you today.

My Top 6 Reasons I’m Thankful For Blogging:

1. InformationWhile the world wide web is full of amazing information at any moments notice, it’s the true information that we get from fellow bloggers, that truly makes all the difference in the world. Whether it’s tips on budgeting and meal planning or the comradery that comes with knowing you are not the only ones wading through the trenches of motherhood, it’s the advice of fellow bloggers that has helped me in untold ways. The collective wellspring of knowledge these courageous bloggers share with the world each day is truly an amazing thing to behold. 

2. RecipesDo you love recipes on Pinterest? Yeah, me too. Any idea where the majority of those amazing meals you’re dying to try come from? That’s right. Bloggers. Tons and tons of bloggers. Bloggers who create recipes. Bloggers who create free meal plans for you. Bloggers who write cookbooks. Bloggers who you rely on at 4 o’clock when you need a last minute side dish you need to bring to a potluck with the ingredients you have in your pantry already. Those bloggers. And they are awesome! 

3. NetworkingMaking connections through blogging is an amazing networking experience. I’ve learned this year how many serious, lasting connections can be made for blogging network opportunities. Whether it’s through LinkedIn or a professional blogging Facebook group, what I do in a professional manner in the blogosphere is largely the result of my efforts in networking with others. 

4. Being a wife: Being a homemaker and blogging go hand-in-hand in many ways. When it comes to learning to understand how to be an effective homemaker I’ve experienced so much unconditional support. Blogging has empowered me as a better wife and homemaker, plain and simple, and I’m proud to share that.

5. Friendships: Blogging has given me some of the most amazing friends I’ve made in my adult life. People I have never even met sending me love and prayers when I need them, life me up when I’m struggling, and are always willing to lend a hand in helping me to grow my blog and businesses. These are friends I hope to one day sit down across a table from so I can thank them for reminding me that I’m never alone. The communities I have established for myself through blogging are without a doubt one of the things I am most thankful for. My gratefulness abounds.

6. An outlet for change: Ask any writer – writing is cathartic for the soul. Blogging helps me write my way through unwanted stress, emotions, anxiety and is also pretty amazing when you’ve got loads of great things happening, too. My blog helps me express the kind of person I seek to be and the kind of change I wish to see in the world. Blogging lets me know each day that when it comes to the human experience, we are never really alone.  

So there you have it, my top six reasons blogging has blessed my life. So friends, I have to ask, in what are reasons you thankful for blogging? I’d love to hear about them below. Enjoy your day!

Top 10 Ways to Save Big This Black Friday



Many of us are sitting on pins and needles with anticipation of this week’s Black Friday shopping season to begin. As our dreams have been filled with the promise of scoring the lowest prices of the year on electronics, everything for a new TV, tablet, or gaming system. While you can score awesome deals on Black Friday, there are still several pitfalls you need to be on the lookout for. Some shoppers will get taken in by so-so prices masquerading as basement bargain deals, while others will miss out on deals due to a lack of research and price-point foresight.

Well, no worries, I’ve got you covered with my 10 Black Friday shopping tips, and here’s how you can best save this coming Friday: 

  1. Start early. No longer can you just scope out your Sunday circulars to see which local retailers have the best deals. For each store you are planning to shop, be sure to check out their site online for the most up-to-date pricing and product availability throughout the event.

  2. Look for leaks. Only rookies head out on Black Friday unprepared. Black Friday veterans get ready for shopping by studying the ads—in print and online—the weekend before Thanksgiving. In fact, Black Friday leaks are already started to appear nationally on sites such as, as early as mid-September, that let you filter your searches by product category or recipient. 

  3. Compare prices. If you spot a great deal at one retailer, be sure to check out some of the comparison sites, such FatWallet and ShopZilla to make sure you can’t score better deals at home or elsewhere. Also check out apps like, that let you scan bar codes to compare prices, get discounts, and score coupons from local retailers. Even Pinterest has price-drop alerts that will monitor items you’ve pinned on certain websites and email you with the price differences when they go on sale. 

  4. Loyalty matters. Store loyalty programs often offer sales and promotions to their members first, allowing them to earn rewards on what they buy. So for stores you shop at most, you can go onto the store’s site and sign up for Black Friday shopping alerts about upcoming promotions, coupons, and discounts. It’s never too late to look for loyalty discounts today!

  5. Socialize. The Facebook pages and Twitter feeds of your favorite retailers are a great way to find out about deals and promotions, as stores often reward customers who like and follow them with special alerts to Black Friday discounts. Somes stores also reward customers who sign up for their text promotions as well. So check your phones and feeds for the Black Friday shopping intel in your area.

  6. Charge your phone before you shop. It goes without saying that before you shop, charge your phone. You’ll need your phone in the store to comparison shop. You’ll also need your phone for QR-code scanner reader on the major retailers’ apps, such as Amazon, eBay, and Walmart

  7. Create a budget. When shopping Black Friday deals, you need a budget and you need to stick to it. Your Black Friday budget should reflect your allocations for your doorbuster specials and nothing else. As always, plan to use cash. 

  8. Know your stores policies. Always know your store’s price-match and return policies. Some stores suspend their price-match guarantees during the Black Friday weekend on certain items, so read the fine print. Check the return and exchange policies for Black Friday sales to make sure that the store won’t charge a restocking fee for any item you bring back after the holiday weekend had ended.

  9. Avoid accessories. You’ve just scored an awesome giant-screen smart TV at an all-time low price. Now, don’t blow your budget by splurging on pricey accessories or extended warranties. If you need batteries, cables, cords, or accessories, check eBay, Amazon, and Newegg first!

  10. Sometimes the cheap runs expensive. Doorbuster specials may bring you great seasonal savings, but they might not offer you the best product for your needs. Thinka ahead. Don’t just consider the bells and whistles of the day but how you will use the TV in the years to come. Is it cable compliant and wifi-ready for Netflix binging? Is this TV energy saving? During your Black Friday shopping don’t be afraid to ask questions about all the electronics you’d like to buy this Friday.

So savvy savers, what are your best Black Friday shopping tips? Be sure to share them with me in the comments section below. Have a wonderful Black Friday!

Tackle Winter Backaches & Colds with Bengay

I have received information and materials from Johnson & Johnson Consumer, Inc., McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post. This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WinOverWinter #CollectiveBias




We’ve officially entered the cold and flu season in our home and it’s been circling our family for almost a month. Starting with my husband’s students, then the kiddos and myself, and finally my husband.




This past weekend, my husband, while trying to tackle his Thanksgiving break honey-do list, staggered into the house after clearing off our roof and front yard of fall leaves with the dreaded I don’t feel so well look upon his face. I knew this meant only one thing, the debilitating annual fall lawn & leaf man cold, with a backache!




Thankfully, I knew I was already prepared for everything my husband needed to start feeling his best again because, as a family, we always tackle winter colds and body aches and pains with Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream. I know to always grab the Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream first as it will help relieves the minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with a simple backache, strains, and the aches and pains brought about by cold and flu symptoms this time of year. 




But as we all know, having a down and out husband with a backache and a cold can be nothing short of torture. When the grouch monster comes out of your husband, all you want to do is grab the kiddos and get out of dodge, which of course, is never an option. That’s why this year I decided to be proactive and create a cold & flu kit to anticipate symptoms, such as my husband’s cold and backache.



Making this kit was super simple as I was able to pick-up everything I needed at my local Target. Everything from the Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream to the Extra Strength TYLENOL®, was located right by the pharmacy counter, in the General Pain Section of the First Aid aisle, along with all your other cold & flu remedies as well.




So, here’s how I made my cold, flu, and backache winter survival caddy at home:

What you’ll need:

  • Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream (Temporarily relieves the minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with simple backaches, arthritis, strains, bruises, and sprains.)
  • Extra Strength TYLENOL® (For aches and pains associated with the flu, headaches, and acts as a temporary fever reducer.)
  • MOTRIN® IB (For sinus symptoms and sinus headaches.)
  • Cough drops
  • Tissues
  • Flushable Anti-bacterial Wipes (For keeping faces clean while sick.)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Thermometer
  • Mentholated Isopropyl Alcohol (Great for easing congestion when applied topically.)
  • Caddy (preferably with a handle)
  • Chalkboard Labels 
  • Chaulk maker


  1. Place a chalk label on the front of your Cold & Flu Survival Kit.
  2. Start filling your caddy with the essential supplies listed above.
  3. Store your kit in a cool, dry, and easily accessible place.




Isn’t this kit so adorable and functional? Also, you can add a remote control or your cell phone to the caddy, making it always on hand when moving between the couch and your bedroom while sick. 




Just a few other tips when you tackle winter colds – take Tylenol® at the first signs of sickness, apply Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream every 4-6 hours to reduce backaches, drink peppermint tea with lemon & honey to aid with sore and scratchy throats and tummy troubles, and rub mentholated alcohol on the bottoms of your family’s feet and cover with socks to reduce coughing as well!




With the help of our family Cold & Flu wellness kit, my husband was back to his old self quicker than ever and ready to finish tackling his ever expansive honey-do list.




So everyone, be sure to stop by your local Target and pick up Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream and everything you need to help you prepare for this year’s cold, flu, and backache season too!