Monthly Archives:

August 2016

16-Minute Bathroom Speed Cleaning Session

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ScrubTheMess #CollectiveBias




If you’re anything like me, you don’t have hours a day to keep your house in spotless condition. But even without the need for a showroom shine, there are rooms that require daily maintenance and upkeep, regardless of how hectic our daily schedule is, such as our home bathrooms. So how can you keep things clean with a minimal effort and time? A sixteen-minute-or-less rule to clean my home bathrooms and it works wonderfully!

You see, the truth of the matter is, you can get a great deal of housekeeping done, in short, quick sessions when you don’t have distractions. Which is why It’s the 16-minute rule works so well for our family. So even if you don’t have sixteen consecutive minutes at present, there’s a good chance you will have sixty seconds here and there throughout your workday or evenings to maintain your bathrooms. Here’s how it’s done. 





  • Reusable towels or microfiber cloths. I use 1 for mirrors, 1 for each sink, and 1 for each bathroom’s showers.
  • Orange infused vinegar spray. This is used for cleaning all chrome and mirrors. 
  • Disinfecting cleaner used to clean out sinks. 
  • Scotch-Brite® Disposable Toilet Scrubber toilet cleaning system.
  • A timer to maintain my progress. 


Here’s how the minutes break down:



Clear off all your surfaces. Put away your straight iron and blowdryer, recycle your magazines and empty cosmetic bottles, put your makeup away, and pick up laundry off the floor and place it in a hamper. 



Surface Cleaning. Wipe down your countertops, toilet seat, and tank, as well as shower doors with a multi-purpose cleaner. Also, spray out your shower or bath stall with white vinegar. 



Primping your bathrooms. To begin, refold your towels and place out clean hand towels. Next, close your glass shower doors, or pull your shower curtain closed. Check to make sure you have a steady supply of toilet paper, cotton balls, and q-tips in your space. 



Clean off all mirrors and chrome fixtures with vinegar spray.



Minutes 5-6: Pull out your bathroom rugs. Take them outdoors and shake them out quickly. Then sweep your bathroom floors and place your rugs back in your space. Also keep in mind, twice a week I spend an extra 2-3 minutes by steam mopping my floors as well to prevent product buildup on my tile floors. 






Begin your last minute by cleaning out in the inside of your toilet bowls. To save time, I use the Scotch-Brite® Disposable Toilet Scrubber and the Scotch-Brite® Disposable Toilet Scrubber Refills to help me quickly clean, sanitize, and sparkle my toilets each day.  I love that using this product means just swishing around a pad quickly, making sure to hit the upper rim on our toilets and then disposing of the pad. Easy peasy! 




Thes scrubbers and refills are awesome because they help me reach messes and grime from under the rim of each bathroom toilet that more simple products might leave behind.




Also, the Scotch-Brite® Disposable Toilet Scrubbers have built-in, power-packed bleach alternative and a flexing head design with pumice scrubbing technology that helps scrubs away rust and hard water stains too! I also love that the unit system takes up little to no footprint in my small, compact bathroom spaces. Nothing is left after cleaning my toilet but shine! 




In case you’re wanting to pick up these awesome  scrubbing pads, they are available at your local Kroger.




And while in-store, be sure to look for a redeemable peelie coupon for the Scotch-Brite® Disposable Toilet Scrubber right on the package. It will say “Try Me Now! Save $2”. The coupon can be redeemed at the register at checkout.






At this point, I take an extra 30-seconds per bathroom to look over my space and assess anything else that might need to be fixed, cleaned, or adjusted. Or for a particularly hectic day, written down on my to-do-list for the next day. Then lights out! Mind you, sometimes I use this minute to see if my cleaning buddy, Boo Radley thinks I’ve overlooked cleaning anything in my bathrooms as well!



Repeat Minutes 1-7.5 on my additional bathroom.



At this point, there is nothing left to do but to put my cleaners back in my bathroom cabinets and throw my dirty cleaning cloths in the washer for next-day laundering. That’s it! 


15 Tips For Summer Road Trip Car Maintenance (1)


Overall, I love how easy, simple, and uncomplicated my cleaning system is for both my home bathrooms. I’ve really been able to make this system work for us by implementing it daily. By cleaning up that pesky layer of dust and grime each day, I save myself hours of monthly scrubbing on my tiled bathrooms spaces. This method saves me over eight hours of cleaning per month! 




What do you think? Are you up for a little bathroom speed cleaning? I encourage you all to try your hand at 16-minute-or-less bathroom speed cleaning sessions, and to also pick-up and try out the Scotch-Brite® Disposable Toilet Scrubbers and Refills during your next trip to your local neighborhood Kroger stores.


Here’s to cleaner bathrooms at home,


7 Tips for Achieving a More Spa-Like Bathroom at Home

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MegaPrepped #CollectiveBias


5 Tips For Summer Road Trip Car Maintenance


I am a huge advocate for all things neat, tidy, and in its rightful place. I am also a firm believer in visual motivation–if something looks pretty, you will want to maintain it, see it, and put things away in it. In our home, functional storage is a top priority in my home, but it must also be pretty too!

But when I say pretty I don’t mean a billion small, decorative boxes, baskets, bins, totes, and organizers. I mean clean, natural, functional spaces. Spaces that promote productivity, comfort, and peacefulness in my home. Because an uncluttered bathroom is a clean bathroom.

So for me, I strive to have a bathroom that is clean, minimal, and spa-like every day, not for the occasion when we entertain guests, but for myself and my family each and every day. Here are a few tips I implement in my home to create a frugal, spa-like bathroom at home. 


15 Tips For Summer Road Trip Car Maintenance (1)



Purge Seasonally. One of the number one reasons small spaces, including bathrooms, feel small and cramped is because they contain too many items. Often we collect skin and beauty products, OTC home medicines, toothbrushes, hair accessories, or bath toys, only to find that within a season those same items are no longer serving our lives as we thought they once might have. To ensure my bathroom stays decluttered and clean, I perform a seasonal purge of old or unusable items. For example, if you have two containers of the same lotion, pour the rest of the less full bottle into the other. Wash out the empty bottles and recycle the empty bottles. 

Set reasonable limits. Limit yourself to two sets of shampoo and conditioner that you use frequently, and store no more than four bars of soap or two bottles in your bathroom cupboards per four people, per month. Remember, your bathroom is not your storage or stockpile room. 


bathroom cosmetic storage


Consolidation is key. Buying bathroom staples in bulk saves lots time and money but often takes up a large bathroom footprint. To help with this measure, remove toiletries from extra cardboard or plastic packaging to save on space, then recycle the excess. Consolidate smaller items in small, stackable storage units to save on save too! 

Strive for clean surfaces. Personal items should be put away if possible, daily. If you have a drawer or medicine cabinet, always put away your toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, hairbrush, and feminine items after each use. And be sure to wipe out sinks and vanity surfaces daily to maintain a tidy, clean bathroom space. 

Create clear, concise, intentional storage. Every item in a bathroom should be functional, and so storage that is easily stored, accessible, and simple to find is ideal. Mason jars are a great option for bathrooms, as there are not only affordable and beautiful but also allows you to easily see when items need to be re-stocked or cleared of grime and fingerprints. Also items you use often, such as cotton balls and Q-tips, can simply be stored in small, clear vessels, such as mason jars. Makeup brushes can also be stored vertically in a mason jar filled with glass marbles as well. 


Organized Linen Closet Shelves Post Kon-Mari


Maintain your towels monthly. Boxes and bins are also a great way to store towels. Towels can also be stored neatly either rolled or folded up on a wall rack, under the sink, rolled in a wicker basket, or in the linen closet. To keep a more minimal, decluttered bathroom, be sure to keep a minimum number of towels in your bathroom and transfer extra towels to your linen closet. In our home, we no longer have good towels, but quality, organic cotton towels we use daily. These towels are kept in stations in each bathroom closet.

Regular Maintenance. Bathroom maintenance and organization is not just a one-time project, but is something you should do regularly, and often. A few of the ways I maintain a decluttered bathroom at home are by staying on top of the usability of our bathrooms by clean out your bathrooms weekly (aside from wiping surfaces daily) once a week, washing towels twice- weekly, and each night I maintain the stocks in our bathrooms for important items such as q-tips, cotton balls, and toilet paper. 


bathroom chest storage


Another way I help to keep clutter to a minimum in my bathrooms is by finding creative, hidden storage methods. I designate chests in each bathroom closet, which makes toilet paper and staples easy to access and keeps my bathroom surfaces clean from clutter and makes for quick steam mopping sessions too! Each night I pop into the bathrooms, open a drawer and re-stock as needed. Easy, simple, done! 




As a frugal-minded maven, I always make sure to purchase quality, lasting, spa-like products when I shop monthly. Lately, I have been picking up the Quilted Northern® Ultra Soft & Strong® with Cleanstretch, as it not only helps keep our bathrooms fully stocked but also ensures a comfortable bathroom experience, but as Quilted Northern® come in Mega 9-roll packs, and as each roll is a 4X bigger which saves me money each time I buy.

A bonus? Be on the lookout during your next Walmart in-store shopping trick for to save $1.50 on Quilted Northern® Ultra Soft & Strong® with a new peelie coupon location on the bottom right of each 9-roll pack, right on the paper products and toilet paper aisle! 




I also love that Quilted Northern® come in Mega 9-roll packs, and as each roll is a 4X bigger, so I’m never worried about running out of a roll when it’s most needed, and with bigger rolls in each pack, I can save money on each roll too! In addition to the quality, I love that Quilted Northern® is also a brand my family knows by name. Did I also mention that Quilted Northern® is celebrating their century mark this year as well! This is a brand with decades of experience in making quality products for families! 




So, savvy savers, those are my tips for keeping a more minimal, easy-to-clean bathroom at home. What are your organizing tips for small bathroom spaces? Have you tried Quilted Northern® yet? I’d love to hear from you!

Here’s to better bathrooms at home,



Why Surrounding Yourself With Positivity Matters

Unexpectedkindness is themost powerful,least costly, andmost underratedagent of humanchange (2)


If you spend any amount of time in public, you will come to see people who seeming struggle each day to find contentment or a happy way of living. It’s generally written across their person. And if you’re like me, you may wonder why some people seem so down while others easily face each day with spirit. 

From an early age, I have always adhered to one great universal truth: That your attitude influences the results you will ultimately get in life. While for many this may not be revolutionary in nature for some, but for me, this has been a central thread in the story of my life. I have always strived to not be a sad person alone, like those I remembered in the park growing up. And one of the biggest ways I have made sure to do so was keeping tabs over both my attitude and the attitude of those around me.

For your attitude is a huge big piece of the puzzle of what makes up who and what you are. For when it comes to the level of success you achieve, but so is the attitude of your peers. Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are as well. Maybe you haven’t noticed already, but successful people always tend to hang out together, while unsuccessful folks seem to attract equally like-minded peers. 

For me, I’ve always been attracted to those who were different from myself. The artists, the vague, and the different. And despite how different my friends have always been, they have always held one common trait, kindness. I have always made a point of surrounding myself with those who value kindness. A tribe of kindness seeking, positivity-seeking oddballs, as it were. 


Unexpectedkindness is themost powerful,least costly, andmost underratedagent of humanchange


Whether it be having fun and simply sharing a quick meal, or the hard stuff such as attending a wake or grieving a loss with each other in our times of need, those few whom I have called friends have always shared in the collective of human kindness. 

In the few times in my life when I diverged away from my core group, my core beliefs, I always reaped negative results. I mean it’s no surprise that we tend to become just like the those we spend the better part of our time with. When I surrounded myself with those who were always in a negative mood, I found myself being drug down with them. On the other way around, when most of my friends carried an uplifting attitude, I was a better more inspired person. I saw life from a lighter more possible angle. That’s not to say to not go out and make new friends, but to surround yourself with people that hold your core beliefs to be true as well. 

And it is this reason that I have created a network of friends who value laughter, perspective, honesty, and kindness in my life. Truth-teller with cozies, as I call them. They have helped me when life has been tough and when days have bleak. When life didn’t seem worth going on for. They were always there to remind me that festering in negativity was only a mask for how fabulous, creative, and worthwhile I truly am. Sometimes the greatest kindness is just helping others take off their mask of self-loathing.

This is just one reason why my tribe rocks. Why after two decades we are still friends. Why even when our relationships change, when friends marry, relocate, take new jobs, move away, we always stay in touch with one another.

As a tribe, we make a point of remaining close through correspondence. We still write letters. We still check on one another. We intentionally cultivate lasting friendships based on kindness. We intentionally continue to get to know who we are as people and as a group as well. We are a tribe of kindness and we know that positive people matter. 

So, here are a few more reasons why surrounding yourself with a tribe of positive people matters: 

1. Happiness is contagious: One of the best ways to find happiness is to find those who know how to nurture and cultivate their own happiness in their day-to-day lives. And often these same people will also share their kindness with others as well. Spend time around these people and you’ll find yourself seeing the world differently. 

2. Laughter bonds the soul: A great way to connect with others is to share laughter. There is no greater kindness than laughing with, and not at others while spending time with them. Watching how someone reacts to a funny situation, not only curates a great, natural sense of good humor, is a great way to bond friendships and relationships for life.

3. Less complaining is a good thing: We all know life can be hard. We all have our struggles. But isn’t it refreshing to spend time with people who don’t waste time and energy complaining? Surround yourself with those who choose to live with an attitude of gratitude can help simply be a better person, friend, spouse, child, parent, and partner. 

4. Learn healthy coping strategies: We all have our ways of dealing with hard situations. But it can’t hurt to take inspiration from those around you. They may have ideas you haven’t considered. They may have experience that can help. Sometimes listening can help in more ways than one. Always take a page from how do your upbeat friends deal with hardship. 

5. We become like those we are closest to: There’s an old saying that we become like those we choose to hold closest. Look around at your inner circle of friends and confidantes. Are they who you would like to become? Do you admire and respect them? Are they a circle of trusting people? If not, perhaps you should consider why you don’t and open your circle to new inspiration. 

6. Self-Care matters: When it comes to positive strides in your life and friendships, sometimes you have to work on the hard stuff alone. And part of doing this is taking care of yourself. Making sure you are healthy, physically, and mentally. You have to nourish the mind, body, and soul daily to live your best life ever. 




 I remind myself daily to take better care of myself, to cultivate a better, more positive sense of self. For me, it helps to wear pieces that remind me to stay strong and remain true to my core beliefs. To live, and wear my truths, if you will. I think that wearing cute, funky, upbeat accessories reminds me to value kindness, honesty, and loyalty above all things. Personally, I like keeping small, personal affirmations on my person, as well as in my capsule wardrobe each season. I want to make sure kindness is ever present in my life, even in my fashion! 




As you can see, I often wear my Cents of Style Tribe necklaces, which state that kindness is my jam. I have also been rocking my expect miracle necklaces. Earlier this year, my husband and I suffered a second-trimester miscarriage, and since that time I have been making positive strides towards better health goals. I’m happy to report that I’ve lost an additional thirty-eight pounds this year and am again on a road to TTC. I haven’t lost sight of my personal goal of expanding our family, and believe that at any time miracles, especially small ones, can happen! 




They are an affordable, simple way to remind me to stay true to myself. To always seek kindness from within, in my tribe, and in the world at large. To allow grace, patience, and kindness into my life. These necklaces truly remind me that we can always expect miracles to happen when you place kindness above all other things. These necklaces truly remind me that kindness is my jam



Today, as part of Fashion Friday, Cents of Style is offering their Tribe Necklaces for only $11.99, shipped free with promotional code TRIBE4 at checkout.



Consider picking up a set for yourself and from those in your tribe as well. And hey, it’s never too early to pick-up a few holiday gift closet staples as well!



So, friends, I say all that to say this: While you should always try your best to surround yourself with people who will help you rise, not hold you down. Find yourself friends who are not just buddies, but mentors. And remember to be a truth-teller and mentor yourself as well. It’s also important to sometimes just surround yourself with positive words and affirmations, too! 

So savvy savers, please don’t think my words trite. This post is not full of empty, meaningless platitudes. I truly mean everything I have said. For I know first hand that when you are able to be kind to yourself, and others, and surely positive things will happen for you.

I wish for you all a tribe of like-minded, truth-telling, kindness-first, positive-minded people in your life as well! 

Here’s to you,


Please note, this post contains my personal affiliate links. All opinions expressed are my own. Thank you! 


Family Christian Bookstore Review & Giveaway

Family Christian Store Review


Good evening, savvy savers! Tonight I want to share with you all something I never speak about on my blog, my faith. Over the past few years, I have been on a personal path of cultivating my personal faith. From reviewing selections from Christian authors to enjoying faith-based podcasters and periscopes, I have carved out time to focus on my spiritual roots.  And while I don’t often post my views on this topic for the world to see, this is nonetheless important to my family life and own spiritual well-being. I received a $25 coupon to The Family Christian Store, and it was the perfect opportunity to use their Buy One Get One 50% off deal.




And it is with this in mind that I agreed last month to review The Family Christian Store’s online shop, and as a result was provided with a  $25.00 gift certificate to facilitate a small, personal online shopping afternoon of fun.  

So a little about About Family Christian:

  • Family Christian is a Christian retailer, operating in 250 stores across the country.
  • They are committed to helping you find, grow, share and celebrate your faith thru a wide selection of Christianity-focused merchandise including books, music, Bibles, DVDs, gifts, journals, and more.
  • When you shop with Family Christian, your purchases support their various international ministries. 




Navigating the site:

Using The Family Christian Store’s website was really rather easy. I enjoyed not being asked to both verify my laptop’s location, cache, cookies, nor required to sign up for an account. I like shopping from sites where I am truly treated as a guest. 

Navigating the site was also very seamless. Though the site was very minimally designed, it has a clean interface, the pages loaded quickly, and it was easy to see whether or not any items I was interested in purchasing was available online or through one of their brick-and-mortar locations. 


Journaling Bibles


The first thing that caught my eye was their extensive collection of Illustrated Faith items – which are currently 10% off. Also their large selection of Journaling Bibles – many of which are 30% off currently and would make excellent gifts for Fall’s Season of Gratitude devotionals. There are also many upcoming releases available for pre-order in their Journaling Bible section, so if you’re passionate about Faith Journaling, the Family Christian website can be your new one stop shop for all your faith-based journaling needs!



There are also several rosaries available, excellent for all of the upcoming festivals on prior to the advent season. As there are several frugal, affordable nativity and advent sets currently available for children all great reduced in price, up to 80% off at present as well. These would make excellent Advent or frugal, three-gift Christmas selections, too! 




And speaking of the advent season, there are several advent sets available for children all great reduced in price, up to 80% off at present as well. These would make excellent Advent or frugal, three-gift Christmas selections, too! 

A few finds currently on the site include:



Sadie Roberston Journals: Select journals from the Sadie Robertson line are now 30% off through August 25! Ignite a renewed passion for exploring God’s Word, whether you’re jotting down notes from a church sermon or recording prayer requests from small group—you’ll have all the space you need. Choose from 6 styles, and save now for early holiday gifts!



DVD: Miracles from Heaven: Upon discovering her 10-year-old daughter, Anna, has an incurable disease, Christy Beam becomes a ferocious advocate of finding a solution while restoring her family’s faith. Based on a true story. Stars Jennifer Garner and Kylie Rogers with Queen Latifah.



VeggieTales Collection: Catch up with old friends Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Junior Asparagus, and the rest of the VeggieTales gang will keep kids giggling and learning with their silly songs and life lessons on a wide selection of DVDs, and books! 


family christian store bogo

Also worth noting, the Family Christian Book Store online store is currently offering shoppers and awesome Buy 1, Get 1 at 50% Off Sale, on all book selections, movies, and musical selections for the family, now through August 25, 2016! With products ranging from jewelry to apparel, to gifts and seasonal décor, and  even educational resources, Family Christian has so much to offer shoppers from all Christian walks of faith! 


So after looking at a few items, I was able to find a few items for my husband’s holiday stocking this year! I’d share but then it wouldn’t be a secret for him! Oh, and a little something for myself, a roll of the Illustrated Faith Washi tape – which I will be socking away for putting my 2017 planner together during the last week of this year.

Overall, I was able to checkout within minutes and expect my items to arrive within 5-7 business days. However, there was one point of interest while checking out, while from using the site was that I needed to insert my gift certificate code on the Shopping Cart page was not made clear during the initial checkout page. It wasn’t until I reached the payment page that I realized I’d failed to insert that code. Because of that, I had to start my checkout experience all over. Aside from this, all went well with ordering! 

However, there was one point of interest while checking out, while from using the site was that I needed to insert my gift certificate code on the Shopping Cart page was not made clear during the initial checkout page. It wasn’t until I reached the payment page that I realized I’d failed to insert that code. Because of that, I had to start my checkout experience all over. Aside from this, all was well with ordering! 

In all, I was pleasantly surprised with the easy and availability of this awesome retailer and would recommend them to family and friends as well! 

What’s even better, savvy savers? One lucky LadyPrefers2Save reader can now you can win a $25.00 gift card to The Family Christian Store. To enter, please use the Rafflecopter below. 

Please note:

  • This giveaway has been provided by Propeller Consulting, LLC.
  • Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own. 
  • Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. 
  • All ISP addresses will be verified.
  • This giveaway will run through midnight on 8/26/16 CST.
  • If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win.
  • If you have won the same prize on another blog for this same promotion, you are not eligible to win it again. 
  • The winner is subject to eligibility verification.
  • Sweepers are discouraged from entering.
  • The winner will be contacted via e-mail and have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.
  • The sponsor is solely responsible for prize fulfillment.
  • By submitting an entry, you are indicating that you have read and agree to these Official Rules.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So, savvy savers I encourage you all to shop for the products you love from the convenience of your home online at Family Christian Stores this season. And if you are already a Family Christian Store shopper, I’d love to hear about your online shopping experiences as well.

Here’s to you,


Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): I received a gift certificate from Propeller Consulting, LLC for review purposes. They are also providing the prize for this giveaway. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own and are not in any way influenced by monetary compensation. Thank you.

6 Tips For Better Litter Box Cleaning Sessions at Home

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.  #MyPetMyStar  #CollectiveBias




If you’re anything like me, a house only becomes a home when a cat resides there. While the benefits of owning a cat, the companionship, the empathy-building nature of a pet and owner relationship, as well as the various studied conducted over the past few decades, which state that pet ownership in general, and cat ownership in particular, can improve your quality of life. These are only some of the reasons I have loved being an adoptive cat owner. 




If this wasn’t enough reason to consider owning a cat, for me there is still one even greater reason. I love that cats. Particularly my cats, Boo Raddley and Shadow. They are the most loving, thoughtful friends a gal could have. I also love that generally speaking, my cats required little training to use their litter box, as they have an innate desire to dig and bury their waste, making cats clean, conscientious, fastidious pets. So, if you love a clean, tidy home, team pride may be for you. 

For you see, unlike other pet training scenarios, the challenge for cat owners is not to train a cat to use a waste removal system, but to see that the behavior continues. You see, once a cat develops undesirable litter box habits, the problem can be very difficult to resolve.  So, here are a few suggestions to help you have successful litter box cleaning sessions at home.






Making sure your cat knows where their box is located is vital to a successful litter box routine.  Ideally, a litter box should be placed in a semi-private covered areas, removed from high-traffic zones, but not so isolated that it isn’t cleaned regularly. Also be sure to avoid placing the box next to food and water feeding stations. 


All wastes, both solid and wet clumps, should be scooped out of your litter box daily.  The entire box should be emptied, washed with warm water, and mild soap and enzyme cleaners weekly. Be sure to avoid strong-smelling cleaners when cleaning your litter boxes, as this may discourage your cat from using their litter box.  Once cleaned, litter boxes should be refilled completely at least once a week. A two-inch layer of litter in the box works well for our cats. A tip? Keeping your litter close to your litter box, along with a small handled brush and dustpan set, along with a litter box scoop by each litter box makes for easy, simple litter box cleaning! 


Many cats will refuse to use a litter box already in use from another cat. As a general rule, each home should have one box per cat, plus one. For example, a household of three cats should contain four litter boxes. In our home, we have three litter boxes, one in our kitchen, one in our storage room, and one in our hall bathroom to accommodate our cat’s litter box routines. 


Your cat’s health can also cause litterbox issues. Everything from Colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, hyperthyroidism, kidney or liver disease, urinary tract infections and diabetes can all contribute to inappropriate, outside-the-box elimination for cats. If your cat refuses to use their litter box it’s always advisable to check with your veterinarian to determine if a physical ailment is causing the litter issue. 


Just like with people, stressful situations can cause distress for your pets. In cats, stress often manifests itself in litter box rejection issues. Instances including moving to a new home, the adoption and inclusion of a new pet, changes in routine,  rearranged placements of new furniture, and even moving your litter boxes to a new location, even a few feet away, can cause litter box rejection and inappropriate urination. To avoid stress spraying, maintain a constant location for your litter box and cleaning schedule as well. Also keeping a minimal, low-distraction litter box station will keep your cats stress to a minimum while using their boxes each day.





Cats can be picky. Some cats will use nearly any litter. Others will refuse to use pelletized litters. Trial and error is the key to lasting litter training success.




From personal experience, I suggest trying several varieties of cat litter to find the best fit for your pet. We literally inundate our cats with their litter. One of our favorite tips for litter continuity is to leave your litter packaging about your home, to allow your pets to become acquainted with the scent of the litter. 




Once you have found a litter that seems to be accepted by your cat, don’t switch to another kind. Even if it may seem more convenient for you. Litter brand continuity is uber important to cats. For us, we chose Tidy Cats® Lightweight with Glade. I like to think that Boo Radley likes this brand as well. Whenever I bring his litter home he always likes to check out the new jug for himself as well. He’s a brand loyal cat! 




We find that Tidy Cats® Lightweight with Glade is a low-maintenance, high-quality, affordable cat litter solution. We also love that it can be conveniently found at my local Kroger grocery store.




Tidy Cats® Lightweight with Glade at Kroger, with it’s guaranteed TidyLock™ Protection which helps to lock away odors that can lead to Stank Face. You know, the super stinky litter box odors that can make even the most dignified person’s face look like a petrified tree! Luckily, Tidy Cats’ wide range of products, so every cat owner can find the best litter for their cat’s needs, which means that you’ll never have to make another Stank Face again.




So now, as a family, we can save time with Tidy Cats® Lightweight with Glade, as this litter helps control those stinky litter box odors while helping you save time and money by purchasing the litter at Kroger.  




We love that that this litter is pleasantly scented with Glade scents, as one of our boxes is located in our kitchen, as so many scented litters are rejected by cats, this makes the Tidy Cats® Lightweight with Glade a winner in my book! 




A bonus? This litter is uber light weight, which helps save my back from the enormous, heavy bags of cat litter we use to purchase in bulk from yesteryear. Being able to fit a power-packed jug of cat litter right into my reusable grocery bags at Kroger, is a victory in my book. Tidy Cats® Lightweight with Glade helps save my back, and wallet, at the same time! 




What’s even better, Purina is helping families save even more money on their pets litter care needs with several new digital Tidy Cats® couponswhich can save on your next Tidy Cats® Lightweight with Glade purchase at Kroger!  Also, there are several other Purina coupons available on the Kroger coupon page, including, a $2.00 off Dog Chow Naturals dry dog food, $1 off Tidy Cats® Lightweight Litter, and $1 off Tidy Cats® Litter. 




So, savvy savers I cannot say enough great things about the Tidy Cats® Lightweight with Glade, and recommend you pick up a container on your next trip to Kroger stores this season. Your nose and cats will thank you! 

Here’s to saving,
