Two-Ingredient, All-Natural Oven Cleaner!



Fact: cleaning an oven is hard. It’s time-consuming and the chemicals used are often expensive and caustic. Whether it’s the seasonal necessitated, pre-holiday cleaning or the smoking-up-the-kitchen by way of burnt food on the bottom of the oven messes, you need a clean oven. No matter the cause, it’s a drain. 

The good news, however, there is a simple, affordable, natural cleaning solution. All you have to do to get a shining oven requires only two affordable kitchen staples, baking soda and vinegar!  

Here’s what you need:

  • 1/4 Cup White Vinegar
  • Spray Bottle
  • Baking soda; 2 cups for a large oven and 1 for a toaster oven.

To clean your appliance:

  1. Starting with a cold, off oven, just spray the bottom of your oven or toaster oven with a healthy mist of white vinegar and then sprinkle a thick layer or baking soda to start the cleaning process.
  2. You will need to lay out a quarter inch layer of baking soda paste on the bottom of the oven.
  3. Should any of the baking soda become dry, spray a light amount of vinegar, around a quarter cup per dosing, over the baking soda.
  4. At this point the fizz, the natural cleaning oomph will begin! 
  5. You’ll need to leave the baking soda on your appliance for two hours.
  6. Then after two hours, simply wipe up the paste with a cloth and all the grime comes with it.
  7. For really baked on grime, this may take a couple applications, but it always works.
  8. If using a toaster oven, turn the oven on for fifteen minutes prior to your next use to make sure the elemental strips are cleared of agents before adding food to your unit.

So for the cost of a quarter and the span of a few hours, you’ll have a like-new oven too! 

Here’s to natural cleaning,


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