All-Natural DIY Sun Lotion

DIY All-Natural


If you’re anything like me, you love all things summer. From gardening to family vacations, summer has always held a special place in my heart. One of my favorite warm weather activities has always been sunbathing. While I adore the feel of the sun on my skin and believe moderate amounts are important to our health, I’m no longer a fan of endangering my health by overdoing it. So, how can a savvy saver naturally and frugally protect themselves from the sun?

Naturally, the most reasonable response would be to simply say I use sunscreen. While I do make an intentional point to use sunscreen, I am also not a fan of most modern sunscreen ingredient lists. As someone on a current healthy living journey, I know that research shows that most sunscreens contain harmful chemicals and compounds. Both petrochemical sunscreens (avobenzone, methoxycinnamate, and padimate-o bases) and physical sunblocks (chemical synthetics containing titanium dioxide) are not only unnatural but also have been found to generate free radicals when exposed to sunlight, deplete natural sunlights vitamin k benefits, and can attack the nuclei of your skin cells.

What does all of this mean? Many modern suncare products can cause skin mutations and pre-cancerous symptoms. In fact, a 2007 document from the FDA stated that: “The FDA is not aware of data demonstrating that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer.” But we must also consider that we shouldn’t avoid the sun for many people these days are actually Vitamin D deficient, and Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to many types of cancers including breast cancer, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and premature labor in women. So, we all need limited amounts of sunlight, around 10-15 minutes daily. So, the ideal answer is limited, responsible summer sunlight exposure.




With this information in hand, I have recently taken to making my own sun lotion blend. Please note, the term sun lotion. You see, it is against USDA regulations to refer to any sun preventative product that has been untested by the USDA as sunblock, so my blend is and should be considered a sun lotion.

Also worth noting, all of this blends ingredients can be purchased online or from your local co-op for under $35.00, and while this may sound like a lot, each batch of my sun lotion blend costs under $0.50 to make! So, $30.00 worth of products can make tons of summer sun lotion at a 400% markdown of mass market prices! 


The SPF of my blend ingredients are: 

  • Almond Oil- SPF 5
  • Coconut Oil- SPF 6
  • Zinc Oxide SPF 20 
  • Organic Soy Bean Oil 50
  • Arabica Bean Oil 40


Here’s how I make my blend:





  1. Combine ingredients except zinc oxide in a pint sized glass jar. 
  2. Add the zinc oxide, stir in well.
  3. Tip: A battery powered battery whisk works well for this blend.
  4. Go slowly and be careful not to inhale the powder.
  5. Store in fridge.
  6. Please note, this blend does not contain a wax blend, and so at temperatures above 80 degrees the cocnut oil will liquify. To return the sun lotion to a harder state, simply place it back in the fridge or cooler!




Notes for usage:

  • Please note, you will need to use your hands for application. 
  • This blend will not pump well in a lotion pump!
  • Use as you would regular sunscreen.
  • This blend is best if used within six months.
  • This sunscreen is waterproof but and will need to be reapplied after sweating or swimming.

So savvy, savers that’s it! I hope that this blend will help you to be able to live a healthier, more frugal life! And if you also make your own sun lotion blend, I’d love to hear about how you make yours as well.

Here’s to better health,


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  • jose July 19, 2017 at 12:16 pm

    A great choice of sunscreen and it’s still natural