Battle Of The Bulge, Budget-Style: Control Your Portions With Children-Size Plates & Snack Cups!


Hello again, savvy savers! Today I am starting another new blog series, Battle Of The Bulge, Budget-Style! I will be focusing on ways to live a healthier, more active lifestyle while be able to afford clean, organic, obtainable foods! I believe this series can be worthwhile for many, who like myself, wish to get more in shape, not through crash-dieting but by small attainable lifestyle changes!  All of the changes I propose will be free or affordable, and most meals and plans will contain couponed savings or deals! Fads are fancy, but coupons are a commitment! With that said, here is where I am currently: I have a family history of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. I am looking to lose 60lbs., find affordable non-gym membership options for working out, and change the way I consume food; this includes meals, snacks, and splurges!

Today I am 31 years young, I am 5’6”, and weight 191 lbs; I am down tw0 pounds since last week. I walk my dogs but beyond this am not terribly active. My lifestyle causes sedentary behaviors; I work-from-home, blog, run two internet businesses, and perform advocacy work online as well. I am an internet-based excuser! Today finds my continued yoga, meditation, walking my dogs, using a pedometer, portioning my meals, and now I also measure myself monthly!


For today’s seventh installment in this series, I want to discuss a way I help myself maintain positive portion control, with children’s plates and snack cups.  Some time ago, when I started my quest to lose weight, in hopes of maintaining a more healthy lifestyle, I noticed that one of my biggest challenges was not that I ate too frequently, but my portion size was exaggerated. I found myself eating too many carbs, too little lean protein, and not enough fibrous foods. It dawned on me, that in addition to measuring out food using measuring glasses, perhaps I needed a better visualization of correct portion sizing at meals, especially dinner, and so I changed the plates and snack cups I use! I purchased inexpensive children’s plates and cups, from the Dollar Tree. Each pack contains two cups and plates, and also comes in an assortment of fun prints, patterns, and in my case animals; I opted for the happy, hungry-looking bear set! Each plate is seven inches, and holds two one-cup portions for side items, and a one cup main section, for lean proteins. I also use the snack cups to pre-pack fruits, nuts, and low-fat dairy for myself throughout the day. I have found that knowing just how much I can have forces me to both eat better portions, but be smarter in what portions I chose to eat from the get-go! I just bought two new packs, as seen above, for extras and back-up packs as well!

This solution has helped me greatly! Maybe it will for you as well!

Here’s to your health!

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