Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas! I hope you and your family are having a blessed and refreshing week of celebrating.

This past week I have enjoyed a lot of family time, a lot of “me” time, a lot of time spend unplugged from blogging, social media, and all the trappings of life. Mind you, having extreme nausea and our entire family simultaneously having the flu has not helped one bit either. While it has been awesome to be offline, know that I’ve missed you all!

Please note, the remainder of this month’s No-Spend December Savings series will continue with an update and new challenge post on December 27th!

Over the next few days, I will be formulating a few more ideas, and in the mean time will be taking more time to sit, read, sip chai, and enjoy the blessings of this season. 

Thank you for continuing to be the tremendous blessings your presence has been this past year for my blog, and myself. 

Be blessed, safe, sound, and peaceful,


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