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November 17, 2014

Making More Out of Monday Meals: Blanch & Shock Veggies!


Calling all Stockpilers! For this weeks Making More Out of Monday Meals, I wanted to post about one of my favorite ways to save money while stockpiling, blanching and freezing vegetables, otherwise known as Blanch and Shock Vegetable preservation!

By blanching and flash-freezing your vegetables, you will be able to save 90% off of your produce bills! If you watch your weekly sales ads, and purchase vegetables on promotion, and take a portion of all fresh produce, and freeze these goods, you will never be without health, life saving vegetables!

Here’s how to make them:

  1. Take your vegetables, and prep them; wash, sort, inspect, and chop your vegetables.
  2. Prepare a pot of salted water; use 1/2 teaspoon of salt per half gallon of water.
  3. Bring water to a boil.
  4. Put your vegetables in the boiling water for 3 minutes, no more no less; use a kitchen timer for this process.
  5. While your water is boiling, take a separate bowl, and fill it with ice.
  6. After 3 minutes, using a strainer, transfer your blanched produce to your prepared ice bath; soak vegetables in the ice bath for another 3 minutes, timed. The ice water will stop the internal cooking process, and flash-freeze the produce.
  7. Strain, then drain your vegetables.
  8. Place the produce in pre-marked and dated baggies, then freeze!
  9. Enjoy your produce savings!

Please note, this will preserve veggies for up to one year in a deep freeze, and when ready to use in a recipe, allow to thaw for 2-3 hours, per baggie! 


Battle-Of-The-Bulge, Budget Style: Free Online Yoga Classes!


Hello again, savvy savers!  Today I am 31 years young, I am 5’6”, and weigh 198 lbs; I am down one pound since last week. I walk my dogs but beyond this am not terribly active. My lifestyle causes sedentary behaviors; I work-from-home, blog, run two internet businesses, and perform advocacy work online as well. I am an internet-based excuser! Today this changes! Spring has sprung, and so shall I! I have taken up yoga, and have started working out with a pedometer on as well! For this weeks Battle-of-the-Bulge, Buget Style post, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite ways to exercise online, for free!

You may ask, why Yoga? Well here are a few reasons I love Yoga:

  • Increased flexibility.
  • Increased muscle tone.
  • Improved overall personal energy.
  • The maintenance of a balanced metabolism.
  • Weight reduction.
  • Consistent cardiac health.
  • Improved athletic performance.
  • Protection from injury.

I often visit the site DoYogaWithMe, where I am able to find yoga classes, ranging in length, purpose, and intensity, for free, but also follow along several workout community forums where I can speak openly and candidly with others in my situation, those trying to work through our personal issues surrounding our body image and weight. 

Times of the month when I chose to look up a Yoga routine:

  • When its too cold or wet outside.
  • When I feel stressed.
  • When I feel run down or exhausted.
  • When I need personal reflection.
  • When I seek peace and tranquility before a long week. 
  • To maintain a sense of calm this holiday season

There are so many benefits that can come from even a quick 30-minute yoga session, that I make time for 1-2 sessions, online in my spare time, each week. This is time set aside for my own betterment, and as a result, I am a better person, a more rational useful woman to my family, and a better blogger for my readers! I keep a mat in several rooms of my home, to ensure that I remain excuse-free in my Battle-of-the-Bulge, and knowing that I am just a few minutes away from relaxation and peace of mind, is just an awesome feeling!

I would encourage you all to try out this site for yourself as well! 

Here’s to betterment,
